Local Maps

If your business has a physical location, optimizing local maps with search engines might be the easiest way to expedite the organic positioning of your website for a wide range of keywords. Google, for example, has made their map listings more prominent, typically displacing the top search results with address listings to nearby businesses.

Depending on the saturation of businesses in your area, only a handful of companies are given a highlighted map marker. Simple strategies can be used by business owners to optimize their local map listings by populating the account with items like photos, videos & customer reviews.

It's important to recognize that other external efforts must be made to see progress in competitive industries, but for many business simply providing more consumer information than your competitors is enough to see results. Viterbi SEO will guide you through the simple steps of creating an account and understanding the basics to have self-sufficiency in marketing efforts. In this way, start-up and small businesses can save money and learn how the positioning of their local map listings is effected by various efforts.

Often your most valuable asset are authentic, positive reviews from happy customers. Be creative in the buying process or use incentives to reward customers for help. An internet consultant can advise on where focus should be made to assist our Clients further. For example, Google has linked local maps with Google+, which saves users time keeping your customers updated with a social media platform.