Hourly Rates

Viterbi SEO Mgmt has the most ethical approach to billing our Clients. If you choose an hourly rate option, a certain quote of time needed for a project will be given to you and that's all Clients will be responsible for no matter what delays we experience.

Consulting.  Our goal is to truly help small businesses flourish and apart of this is not gobbling up marketing budgets to earn more for our company. Many of our Clients can help themselves in so many non-technical ways that it make sense to do what you can to grow your business. We can provide weekly or monthly consulting sessions to guide you through recommended marketing strategies.

Consulting Fee - $50 /hr

Website Development.  Viterbi SEO does not bill our clients hourly if we are managing a Client's website or entire marketing budget. However, many new Clients value the expertise we have and pay for help as needed. We don't require long-term commitments or lengthy contracts with legal, complicated language. You'll notice our genuine interest to help your business succeed.

Website Development Fee - $175 /hr

Many marketing companies mark up hourly fees to generate income from the labor of hourly employees. With us there's no profiting from any work provided by hourly employees. You pay an amount equivalent to the skill level of the expert working on your business.